Mobility Networks Launch Virtual Showroom | Mobility Networks

Mobility Networks Launch Virtual Showroom


Everyone here at Mobility Networks is proud to say that our Virtual Showroom has officially been launched, providing all with an interactive experience of our inboard lifts.

In this ever-changing world, sadly we cannot simply get up to go and do certain things as simply as we used to. This alteration in our daily lives has forced us all to adopt a ‘new normal’ - and we are no exception. Ordinarily, our lifts would be available to see and experience in reality. This isn’t to say this is no longer possible, but in terms of inclusivity, one of our core values, our Virtual Showroom provides the next-best experience in an immersive (and above all, safe) manner.

This new tool of ours offers a whole new experience for our current and prospective end users, customers, service providers, international partners and converters than we’ve released before; to ensure that geographical location isn’t a requirement to get up close and personal with our top-of-the-range line of inboard lifts.

A Virtual Showroom has been on our roadmap for quite some time. We’ve seen it deployed successfully in a wide variety of industries over the last few years, from estate agents to vehicle manufacturers who wanted to achieve the same goal as us.

We’re very happy with what we’ve brought you. However, as with every single one of our products, as well as each initiative we run both internally and externally here at Mobility Networks, we are always looking for ways to continuously improve. We have a number of alterations already lined up for development and we’re excited to bring them to you. Furthermore, if you have any feedback you'd like to give us, we'd love to hear from you! Please get in touch with your Account Manager who will pass your comments onto the relevant team members. 

But until then, please enjoy our very own Virtual Showroom!

Want to immerse yourself, right from your own living room, or wherever you may be? Click here to jump right in.